today's easy japanese recipe, japanese cuisine

rolled asparagus in pork

overview of today's japanese recipe, japanese cuisine

A very simple recipe. Please enjoy rolled asparagus in pork!

rolled-asparagus-in-pork- Japanese recipe Japanese cuisine

how to cook for today's Japanese recipe, Japanese cuisine

<<ingredients : serves 2>>

5-6 green asparagus spears(150g)
100-150g thin pork slice (cut very thin for shabu-shabu)

==miso saurce==
2 tsp miso
2 tsp mirin (sweet cooking sake)
grated garlic — a little

1 tbsp sesame oil

<<How To>>

  1. Break the tough ends of the asparagus off and discard. Peel the tough part with a potato peeler and cut in half.
  2. Roll the asparagus up in thin pork slice tightly.
  3. Mix miso, mirin and grated garlic well and spread it on a tray or a plate.
  4. Warm a frying pan well and pour the sasame oil into the pan. Place rolled asparagus (2.) in the pan, cover and fry over a low heat until browned.
  5. When brownd on both sides, toss them into miso sauce (3.) and dressed with it.


  • When eating, japanese pepper powder or seven-spice chili pepper can be sprinkled on.Carrot is also suitable for this recipe.